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Publisher: Anime Ltd
Released: June 6th 2022
Classification: 15
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Running Time: 300mins
Anti-Magic Academy the 35th Test Platoon contains episodes 1-12 of the anime directed by Tomoyuki Kawamura.
Takeru Kusanagi is captain of the 35th Platoon, dedicated to hunting down witches and protecting people from spellcraft. Of course, that all SOUNDS good, but in truth the 35th is nothing but misfits. The sniper is easily flustered, the tech is problematic, and Takeru always insists on bringing a sword to a gun fight.
It only gets worse when the director shunts ex-inquisitor Ouka Ohtori onto the team for being a little too trigger happy around witches. But despite the chaos and lack of cohesion, Takeru cares about his team and mission. Can he soothe Ouka's rage at her past and pull the team together?
Publisher: Anime Ltd
Released: June 6th 2022
Classification: 15
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Running Time: 300mins